Saturday 28 December 2013

Timely wisdom...

Guess what? We have been here A MONTH already!  One whole month! And to celebrate, we decided to go on ahead and move from one temporary address to another! Cos, you know, we've got the moving bug now. Packing a gazillion things into suitcases and lugging them around just never gets old ...

In reality, our month's free grace accommodation from my work has expired, so we have had to find somewhere else to live (whilst we wait to sign the contract on the place we actually WANT to live in). And believe me, this has been a hard, thankless and expensive task smack bang between Christmas and New Year, when it seems the entire world has descended on Sydney to see the spectacular fireworks at the Harbour (which it's looking like we will miss this year - but that's another story!)

So after a long and pointless search for another hotel which was in at least the universe - never mind the ball park - of affordable, we went with AirBnB. If you've never heard of it, basically people rent out their homes, or a room in their homes, or possibly just a sofa in their homes, for you to sleep on. Sometimes you get the place to yourself, sometimes you are sharing with the owners, and sometimes you are probably sharing with the owner's dog. But due to the time of year, we have managed to find a relatively reasonably priced flat to ourselves on the same road as our potential forever home (and when I say "forever home", I really mean, "home we might be staying in for more than five seconds").

So today Jan had the joyous task of carting three large suitcases and numerous ancillary bags over to the flat and setting us up in someone else's home.  It's kind of weird, but kind of okay, as they don't have too much stuff (not even a TV! What do these people do at night - TALK TO EACH OTHER?!?!? *Shudder*).  

But I think it was the place we were meant to be in, even if it's only for (touch wood) six short days, because after the big move over to Australia, and the new jobs, and the emotions of being away from family and friends at Christmas, and the concerns over whether we will ever move into the flat we want, this is the only decoration hanging on the wall:

Well, alright then.

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